S1 E27 Can God Forgive Me If I Had an Abortion?

September 14, 2021 00:05:19
S1 E27 Can God Forgive Me If I Had an Abortion?
Village Church Q&A
S1 E27 Can God Forgive Me If I Had an Abortion?

Sep 14 2021 | 00:05:19


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Speaker 2 00:00:07 Hey there, village church, speaky basing you're here. And I'm sitting with pastor Michael fueling and we have been discussing the topic of abortion. And today in Q and a, we're talking about a big question and it is if I've had an abortion, will God or can God forgive me? And so I'm going to count to three and let's say our answer together. Ready? 1, 2, 3. Speaker 0 00:00:27 Yes. There we go. I like that. Good job coordination and unity with feeling. Yes. And, uh, so the first John one nine says this. If we confess our sins, he is faithful. And just to forgive us, our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. But one of my favorite words, there is all and all unrighteousness. It doesn't matter what it is. Uh, it doesn't matter how bad the sin was. Let's just give an illustration. Okay. If Adolf Hitler came to Jesus Christ and said, would you forgive me for my sins? The blood of Christ is powerful enough to cleanse him from all unrighteousness. It doesn't matter what it is. It's actually really sad because, um, there there've been a handful of people that I've talked to that they'll say something to the effect of, listen, I believe, I believe Jesus died and rose again, but I can't give my life to him because he could never forgive me. Speaker 0 00:01:20 Yeah. And every time my answer is why you have far underestimated the power of the blood of Christ. And so, uh, this, this issue with abortion as a specifically, I think weighty for a couple of reasons, and I, I would just encourage people to go back and listen to our last episode on abortion. And, um, but it's really important because, uh, one in four women are going to have an abortion in America. That's a big number. So even just the, the title of this is probably going to get clicked on by multiple people. Who've had this experience. And what happens afterwards is that most people, um, don't count the emotional cost of it. Um, there are just residual, emotional and spiritual, psychological effects that happen from this. And so it, it lingers. And then when they come to God, like they, they kind of know, this is not okay, deep down in their heart. They know something is wrong with this. Um, and so that's a huge, that's a huge issue. 18% of pregnancies, excluding miscarriages, um, in 2017 ended in abortion of 18% like that. That's a significant number, which shows the magnitude of how many women have either willingly or been pressured to be put into a position where they had to in the life of their baby. And, um, Speaker 2 00:02:33 You said something there that I'm going to, you know, kind of lean on to a little bit, and that is felt pressured. Yep. All right. So we've talked about, okay, can God forgive me if I've had the abortion, I'll ask you another question. And that is, you know, can God forgive me if I told my girlfriend or spouse or, you know, whomever or daughter, or, you know, insert person here to have an abortion. Yep. Speaker 0 00:02:53 So it's interesting. Let me answer it. And I'm going to give a caveat. The answer of course is absolutely. I said anything else, but yeah, I'd be a more consistent right now. Um, I want to ask, uh, uh, next question, which is, do you want healing? Right? So forgiveness with God and healing and redemption, it can be very different experiences. You can never bring the baby back, right. That will happen at the resurrection. But, um, if you have sinned against somebody by pressuring them, yes, God will forgive you. Um, but if you want healing and redemption, you're going to have to go to that person. Yeah. And you're going to have to confess and own that even if, even if they're glad it happened, right. Their response to you does not determine whether or not you shouldn't shouldn't, you know, if you've sinned against somebody, then you have an obligation and there is power and healing in that process. And so I would, I would look at anybody who's been in that circumstance and say, um, I know it's probably the last thing you want to do to revisit this. You probably intuitively know whether the woman admits it or not. It was like a real significant pain point for her. Um, still is, probably has like residual thoughts about this, that just kind of hunter and, and, um, you don't want to poke the bear, but I think there could be some really power in that. Um, Speaker 2 00:04:09 Yeah. Well, and that's part of, you know, the holy Spirit's work in us is that sanctification over time, you know, and even if you, at the beginning of your relationship with Jesus, you're not thinking about that and you're not working through that and you're not processing it. Maybe you still believe that abortion is okay as he continues to work in your life. As you continue to learn more about what God says in his scripture of getting to that point of healing, I think is just, you know, a massive and monument. Speaker 0 00:04:30 It is it's huge and it's worth it. Um, carrying brokenness on our shoulders, especially over how we have handled the life of an unborn child. Uh, I just would, I would, Jesus does not want you to carry that. Let's just be clear. I mean, I don't want you to carry up, like he doesn't want to carry it, you to carry it. And if he can take that burden from you cleanses you and then he'll you do whatever he says to experience feeling. I think it will be worth it. So, yeah. Well, I'm really glad we're able to talk about this. This could be one of the shorter episodes we've ever done here, and I think that's probably appropriate given the simplicity of Speaker 2 00:05:05 The answer. The answer Speaker 0 00:05:06 Is yes. So I want to invite you back. Uh, the next question we're going to be answering is what is the soul.

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