S3 E0: Understanding Roman Catholicism

Episode 2 March 29, 2023 00:01:49
S3 E0: Understanding Roman Catholicism
Village Church Q&A
S3 E0: Understanding Roman Catholicism

Mar 29 2023 | 00:01:49


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Speaker 1 00:00:05 Michael, I am really excited for this next season of q and a where we're going to jump into Roman Catholicism and answer a bunch of questions that we've been receiving or we're constantly asked about this topic. Can you talk a little bit about why we're jumping into this? Speaker 2 00:00:17 Yeah. If you were to, um, take a breakdown of Village Church, you're gonna find over 50 or 60% of our church has a background in Roman Catholicism. Wow. And so, um, what's also been striking is that over the last two to three years during Covid, we have had a handful, significant number of people who have left the Roman Catholic Church and are now attending the Protestant church, specifically they're attending Village Church. Um, not just that, but there's also a, um, a large group of people who, they attended the Roman Catholic Church when they grew up. They haven't been to church in some years or decades, and now they're coming back to church and we're finding many of them coming to Village Church. And so, uh, we also get a, a bunch of questions, um, from our own congregation. How do I share the gospel with my Roman Catholic friends? Speaker 2 00:01:05 What are the real differences we've also learned is that most Roman Catholics, they understand what happens in a parish. They understand what happens in a mass. They understand the kinds of things they're supposed to do, but what most Roman Catholics don't know is why they do it, what Rome actually teaches about the things they are doing. And so one of the big goals of this is to, um, serve and help our body, if there are any curious Roman Catholics, also to maybe help them get underneath the what to the why. And then to open up God's word and say what does God's word actually say about these specific things? Yeah. Speaker 1 00:01:36 Which is the most important thing. Yeah. And that truth is honestly just the most constant thing that we have. And I'm excited to jump in this season. Speaker 2 00:01:43 Me too.

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